Friday, October 8, 2010

Dr. Julia : Childcare

I nearly died today. In fact, I think a small part of me DID die today. I'm too angry to re-type this, so I'm going to post the Facebook message that I sent to my sister, describing my fury.


OMG. You will NEVER guess what happened today.

So I'm at work. Travis is taking a shower & got his Mom to watch Emily. Well he starts hearing Julia yell "Emily! Emily!" really loudly. So he comes out & apparently Julia lost my daughter. So Trav started yelling for her, too. Emily WENT OUTSIDE by herself. But, NO, it doesn't end there.

Not only is Emily OUTSIDE in the FRONT YARD BY THE ROAD, she is only wearing her shirt. She took off her pants & underwear so she could POOP on the lawn. She was half way naked POOPING IN THE YARD. JESUS H CHRIST SOMEONE COULD HAVE SNATCHED HER.

Travis brought me dinner at the PD, brought Emily, and told me all about it. I about DIED. I am so royally PISSED at Julia. ONE - for LOSING my child. TWO - for Em for being outside unsupervised. THREE - for being so close to the ROAD, unsupervised. FOUR - for being halfway naked so perfect strangers could see her. AND LET'S NOT FORGET FIVE - POOPING IN THE FREAKIN ' LAWN.


Mom doesn't know yet. Don't tell her - I want to tell her.

But I couldn't help but laugh at Em pooping in the lawn. It's funny BUT I WANT TO KILL JULIA NOW. What if someone snatched her? Kids have been snatched in better situations. Remember that one girl who got kidnapped for like 17 years? She got snatched within eyesight of her parents, going to the school bus. She got snatched between the freakin' bus and both her parents. Gone! Emily was by the road, Travis said. I mean, not ON the road but closer to the road than to the driveway up by the garage.

Jesus. LORD HELP HER!!!!

I wanted to fuss at Julia, but Trav assures me that he already did. Plus I don't want to bring it up like "OMG YOU LOST MY KID - EFF YOU!" You know? If she says something, I'll say something like "Yeah thanks for keeping an eye on her. Good think no one snatched my kid." D:


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