Friday, May 28, 2010

Dr. Julia : Best Quotes

  • "I don't care that she's your daughter, it's MY house! I'll do whatever the [bleep] I want!"
(According to her, the fact that she's our daughter is overridden by the fact that it's her house. So her rules > our rules.)

  • "I think there must be something in the coffee she likes, a vitamin. Like when you're craving for something, that's saying there's something in there your body needs." ...She proceeded to talk about her siblings that ate dog food and paint chips and wondered what their body needed that was in those things.
(In reference to my 2 year old wanting to drink her coffee.)

  • "If you give a young child coffee, that means they'll hate it when they grow up."
(Apparently this applies to most food and drink. So why do I still love applesauce?)

  • "Did he chew the inside of his cheek? Because you can get mouth cancer from that."
(Her Doctor told her that one. In reference to my Uncle who got mouth cancer.)

  • "Hey! You can still hear the ocean! I'm surprised, I got this shell 12 years ago."
(She held a seashell to her ear.)

  • "She's gonna be hungry if she don't eat."

  • Travis : "Yeah well the French suck."
  • Julia : "Don't say that, my sister married one of 'em! Yeah he's from Italy."

  • "I didn't know blue and yellow made green!" [Travis laughs] "Shut up, Travis! Bet you didn't know that either!"

  • Me : "Oh, is that a kaleidoscope?"
  • Julia : "No, you look into it and turn it and it looks like you're turnin' around."
(She described what a kaleidoscope does.)

  • "I think she looks big because she's tall."
(Describing why my two year old looks bigger.)

  • Travis : Mom, you really need to think before you speak.
  • Julia : This is my house! I don't need to think!

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