Friday, May 28, 2010

Dr. Julia : On Swimming

I couldn't buy a pool 'cause when Travis was three - two, three - he would just run and jump into the pool! We went to the pool - Travis was three - and he just ran and jumped into the deep end. Couldn't swim, but boy did he run. Right into the deep end. I had to jump right into the deep end - Travis was sinkin' to the bottom of the pool, just wavin' at me. Everyone was laughing, boy, when he come runnin' to the pool. Ran and jumped right into the deep end! Sinkin' to the bottom! I told Howard about it later, that Travis had just jumped in... (trails off) But that's why I never got a house with a pool, 'cause I was afraid Travis would jump in and drown. Not afraid, that one. He'd just run and jump into the pool - drown himself! Everyone was laughin' seein' this little boy come runnin' into the pool! (laughs) He'd have to stay in the shallow end. (trails off) Never got a pool, wish I did. Woulda been nice... (trails off)

Y'see, you gotta get your kid swimmin' lessons.

- Julia, my mother-in-law.
Retold by her daughter-in-law.

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