Friday, May 28, 2010

Dr. Julia : On College and Charleston

Julia : "You're wearing shorts?"
Travis : "Yeah..."
J : "Can you do that? Aren't you going to school?"
T : "What? Yeah."
J : "They let you wear shorts in school?"
T : "Mom. I'm in college. They're more lenient than high school."

Oh Julia's so amusing. And then...

Julia : "So you're going to Charleston, go to the beach, have dinner with Tammy AND see my father? All in one day? Why do all that sh**? You'll be tired!"
Travis : "Yeah. I'm young! Didn't you do stuff like that when you were young?"
J : "No."

Travis is taking a day to go to Charleston to pick up a bed from his Aunt Tammy's. He decided to make it a guy's trip so he and a few others are going down there. He could use a guy's day out! (Except that Chris invited a girl along... Who isn't his girlfriend... Who no one else knows... Poor girl.)

Julia : I like those shorts, Travis. Laura - does he have a shirt to go with them?
Me : ...What? How should I know?
Julia : [shocked] Well you do his laundry, don't you?
Me : Yeah... I don't care what shirt he wears.

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