Friday, May 28, 2010

Dr. Julia : Big, Fat Liar

My mother-in-law cannot stop lying. She does it every single day.

Today she's telling her other daughter-in-law (Amy) about their dogs. Little Bit is my mother-in-law's chihuahua and Tiger is Amy's puppy. My MIL is going on and on about how Little Bit didn't back down against the much bigger puppy. And how she ran faster. And how she didn't cower. Yeah right! That chihuahua was a fourth of the size of Tiger - Little Bit might have bared her teeth, but she had her tail between her legs as she backed off the pup. Not to mention, they fought over a stick, but Little Bit quickly gave it up when she realized she couldn't win.

Why do I care so much? Because I'm sick of her lying. She always makes herself look better or, in this case, her dog. She will defend that dog to no end. How she's smarter, quicker, stronger (yeah right!) and generally better than her son's dogs. And it's complete BS. Everyone knows it. No one believes lies like these.

Oh, here's the best example of her lies!

According to Julia: "When Travis [my husband] was three years old, he found his Daddy's watch. He took it apart then put it back together perfectly!"

Even Howard [her husband, my father-in-law] said "Yeah right". But she believes herself! Every day she says stupid stuff like how some woman scoffed at her in Wal-Mart, so Julia loudly defended herself, making the other woman look stupid of course. [Yeah riiiight!]

Here's another example of her stupid stories: "When Travis was in school, I didn't trust his teacher. So I decided to go take a look for myself during class. I didn't go in the main entrance, by the office, I just went to the classroom. Some bus driver yelled 'There's someone in the hall!'. So I yelled back at them [in loud, obnoxious, mocking tone], 'THERE'S SOMEONE IN THE HALL!'. I told him, 'Who the hell do you think you are? You're just a f***ing bus driver.' "

There's so many things wrong with that story.

Ugh! Get me out of this house! I swear, if I never saw her again it would only make my life better.

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